
Financial Bubbles

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Financial bubbles occur within the United States economy, and trends in investments cause rising and falling within the economy. In the early-to-mid 2000s, the housing market took center stage for Wall Street investments. According to the podcast, Wall Street investors wanted increases in investment returns, and the housing market became the prime source of these new, bigger returns. A “chain of command” started as banks decided to indirectly cash in on these mortgage loans. As people defaulted on loans due to rising interest rates, this very large contribution of the economy collapsed, and a recession of the late 2000s caused people to lose their jobs. This American Life gives a detailed account of the recession of the late 2000s brought on by the housing market, and it suggests how new trends in economic investing can …show more content…

According to Mike Patton’s article in Forbes, he cites the “dethroning of cash, the falling of the global economy making US stocks more attractive, and the rising of intangible assets”. (Patton, The Coming Financial Bubble) Because the United States economy still reigns strong compared to other nations, stocks look attractive to investors looking for investments with substantial returns with relatively low risk. Patton also cites the lack of better alternatives for investments, which I also agree with. Bond investments have less appeal because of falling interest rates, globally, and within the US, leading the way for stock market investments to become the next bubble. After the recent ending of the house market bubble, stocks are starting to look more and more attractive to investors, and as new industries, such as social media, technology, and new sustainable energy, are rising and continue to attract investors, a new bubble will occur. This could have dire consequences, as the stock market is extremely important to the strength of the American

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