
Finding My Identity

Decent Essays

Unlocking the doors of the past, gives way to a deeper reflection of one's inner self. We begin our journey to find my identity and to perhaps find a better understanding of how I came to be. A heritage originating from the Caucasus Mountains to my new found origin, beginning in New Jersey. My parents migrated to NJ and brought much of their tradition and culture, which to them was a foreign land. Hard-working individuals who were always concerned about their children's well-being and happiness. The strict traditional make-up of our family home consisted of a mother and father routinely working on set hours. My mother mostly did the cooking and household chores while my father did repairs, took out the garbage and keep up with the landscaping. Once school started, English became the first language spoken in the house. Aside from the English language, a second and third language was developed through indirect exposure which is an added plus, yet in a sense decreases the writing skills, due to the lack of vocabulary words which are the creative elements which forms an eloquent style of delivery. I recall memories of the times they would sit down at the kitchen table discussing the finances of the family making sure there was money saved, for a rainy day. They were definitely law abiding citizens that took pride in their home as well as the …show more content…

Leaving a strict traditional family household and transferring into another strict household almost stripped me of my identity, yet in another way of expressing it, "taming the horse", trying to break the spirit was not for me. The experiences of my divorce is not something I would wish on my worst enemy, so to speak, and still continues on with its never ending surprises. Having the opportunity to function at whim, to spread my wings and soar gave me clarity and drive to continue on, one step at a

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