
Five Creation Narratives

Decent Essays

Creation narratives have been around since the inception of man. A creation narrative is essentially a story that illustrates the beginning of time and how man came to proliferation. Along with the longevity of creation narratives, there is also a plethora of different styles and beliefs. In this essay, five creation narratives will be compared and contrasted, as well as giving you a brief summary of each one and the history behind them. The most important aspects of a creation narrative are who the creator is and how the universe is created. In the creation narrative “The Sacrifice of Purusha,” the creator is Purusha and the universe is created from different parts of Purusha’s body. In the text, it explains that the other gods made sacrificial chants to accomplish the creation of the universe: “The moon was born from the mind, from the eye the sun was born; from the mouth Indra and Agni, from the breath [prāna] the wind [vāyu] was born” (Rig Veda, Par 9.). The narrative in the Holy Bible is …show more content…

As families moved to different countries, the stories were passed down further where more embellishment could be added and spread throughout that region and eventually the new exaggerated story became a different religion than the initial one. Most of the narratives have similar stories, in that a higher power forms man either out of wanting companionship or to show dominance. The main differences are primarily how many gods there are and how the world was before man. For example, in “The Sacrifice of Purusha,” before man was created there was still a council of gods the roamed around earth. However, in “The Creation of the Universe,” before man, the earth is described as “vague and amorphous.” Out of the five creation narratives, the narrative in the Holy Bible is the only example of a monotheistic

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