
Five People You Meet In Heaven

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The Five People You Meet in Heaven is an inspirational and philosophical fiction written by Mitch Albom. As an author, Albom reaches new heights as he writes about life and death with religious aspects of a widely known concept of heaven. Albom reveals many different and important characteristics of life. With only 196 pages, the short novel was published in 2003 by Hyperion Books. Literary elements are key to the plot and to how the author wants to display their work. The Five People You Meet in Heaven is told in a third person limited point of view and takes place in heaven. The protagonist is an 83 year old maintenance man at Ruby Pier named Eddie. Several of Eddie’s flashbacks specifically connect back to Ruby Pier, as he spent …show more content…

He was practicing his normal routine at the pier, checking all the rides and observing visitors, as one of the amusement rides suddenly malfunctions. Eddie rushes to help his coworkers as well as customers back to safety. He notices that the cart is falling down as a young girl stands directly below. Eddie rushes to save her, but is killed when the cart lands on him. At this point it is all a blur, he wakes up in Ruby Pier and realizes that this was the Ruby Pier of his childhood. He surprisingly felt no pain in his back or leg. Eddie begins to walk around and suddenly stumbles upon a mysterious man with blue pigmentation in his skin. This man introduces himself as the Blue Man and explains to Eddie that he is in heaven and he will meet five people to help him comprehend his past life. The rising action builds up as Eddie meets each of the five people in heaven. The Blue Man tells his story as to why his skin was blue and why he is Eddie's first person. The Blue Man reveals that he was the reason for his death. As a child, Eddie ran into the street to chase a ball and the Blue Man got into a car accident to avoid the child’s harm and instantly dies from a heart attack. The Blue Man teaches Eddie his first lesson, “Fairness does not govern life and death” (Albom 48). “There is a balance to it all. One wither, another grows. Birth and death are part of a whole” (Albom 49). The Blue Man made Eddie aware that there are always different perspectives. With that, the Blue Man’s skin loses the blue pigmentation and he disappears. Eddie meets the second person, the Captain from war. Flashbacks reveals his time and struggle both during and after war. Eddie recalls the time when his team suffered captivity in the Philippines. He vividly remembers the night they escaped because as they were to set fire to the camp, but Eddie was hesitant because he knew a small figure was hiding in there. The Captain confessed that he shot

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