
The Five People You Meet In Heaven Essay

Decent Essays

Many people share their life experiences with a written form of self expression. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom shares the life story of a man named Eddie, who worked at an amusement work his entire adult life, following his dad's footsteps. Eddie lost his life by saving a girl and pushing her out of the way her. He meets five important people that he did not know would change his life forever. Eddie’s dissatisfaction with working at the amusement park proves that he was put there for a reason, illustrating the theme that you should not take life for granted.

Lesson number one: “No life is a waste,” (Albom 50). Eddie’s first encounter was in heaven with The Blue Man. He explains to Eddie that when he was a young boy he killed him. This happened when Eddie ran in front of his car resulting in a heart attack. Eddie responds by saying “I never killed you, ok?” (Albom 60). Eddie meets many people throughout his life. Each relationship taught him a special lesson on how life goes by quick and make the best of it. “The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone”(Albom 67). This represents when you grow up you should spend your time with friends and family.

Lesson number two: “Sometimes you sacrifice something precious, you're really losing it. You’re just passing it on to …show more content…

She lets Eddie know even though he gambled all their money away she still loved him. Eddie resentful at himself for his wife’s early death, realizes that love lives forever. She tells him “Life has to end. Love doesn’t” (Albom 173). Finally Eddie reunites in heaven with Tala the young girl killed in the war. She explains to Eddie that she was the shadow he saw that was burned in the fire. “The nipa. Ina say be safe there. Wait for her. Be safe. The big noise. Big fire. You burn me” (Albom 187). She explains to Eddie he was meant to work at the Pier, to protect the

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