
Flight 697: Over The Sahara Desert

Decent Essays

Flight 697. Over the Sahara Desert. Timmy was on his way to great things. He was merely in his twenties, and he was about to live out his life at the Pyramids of Giza. Overcome with joy, he couldn’t wait to live out his dream, until he started to feel hot. He smelled smoke and soon saw smoke come out of the ceiling. It didn’t take long before a siren started to go off. “Attention people on board,” said the pilot, “There is a plane malfunction, please stay calm.” The ground started to shake beneath them. At this point, how could anyone stay calm? He looked out the window only to see the sandy ground growing in size. Everything after that was just a blur. A flash of light. Orange, red, yellow flames. That feeling when he was falling. Faster and

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