
'Flo': A Short Story

Decent Essays

It was three in the evening and Floyd, also known as, “Flo” waited patiently in Orleans Parish Central Lockup for his name to be called. He was waiting to be released on a DWI charge. The judge sentenced him to two years in state prison. Heavily intoxicated Flo lost control of his vehicle and crashed into another vehicle. That accident paralyzed him from the waist down and critically injured the woman driving the other vehicle. Now, it was finally time to go home. He knew no matter how long it took, he had to have patience or the Deputies would prolong his release. As he sat there, all he could think about was getting home to his daughter, Nikki and wife, Ariana. Two long years in jail and freedom was at his finger tips. Ariana would never bring …show more content…

Finally out, he sees his family, waiting with rainbow size smiles on their faces. Nikki ran like ripples through water and hugged him so tightly. At the moment, all of his anxiety and fears went away. He knew at that moment how happy she was just to have her dad again. “Daddy” Nikki exclaimed as she hugged him tighter with tears running down her face, “I missed you so much!” Flo cried tears of joy as he embraced his daughter. Flo said, “I’ve missed you too, baby girl. Look how big my baby has got.” “Look how beautiful you are.” He gave her compliment after compliment. He looked at Ariana affectionately and thought to himself how lucky he was to have someone who would be there for him after making such a horrible mistake. Nikki said, “Now you can finally leave this place for good” as she hugged him. Flo said, “yes, now I can go home with my family instead of seeing you walk away, as I have done some many times when you visited me.” Once Flo made it home, his family welcomed him with a celebratory dinner. Nikki had made all of his favorite foods. No one brought alcohol. After he ate, he took his daughter outside for a breath of fresh air. She walked aside of her father and listened as he talked about how much he

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