
Florida Code Of Ethics

Good Essays

Codes of Ethics Summary

Ethical code guidance initiates with one’s individual standards, views, and integrity. I must live our lives balanced with what I’ve been shown to be correct. The Principles are the ideologies of what I consider to be ethical or unethical that are revealed through my decisions, actions and interpretations of what is right or wrong. The Florida Code of Ethics involves one’s values and beliefs to indicate a set of policies that standardize the bearing of entities or groups of people (FLDOE, 2005). By the same token, the Policies of Professional Conduct and the Codes of Ethics have an emotional impact on the day-to-day activities of all teachers. My goal with this study is to review and condense …show more content…

The aptitude to be committed by the code of ethics a teacher is an elemental obligation and concern in the standpoint that follows: For instance, as delineated in the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida, these three guiding viewpoints from the code of ethics for educators in Florida are:
1) “The educator values the worth and dignity of every single person, the search of veracity, devotion to excellence, acquisition of knowledge, and the nurture of democratic citizenship. Essential to the achievement of these standards are the freedom to learn and to teach and the guarantee of equal opportunity for all”. This means putting learner interests beyond everything else, especially personal advantage. The instructor will attempt their greatest to support each school child to identify his or her potential as a laudable and self-motivated member of the society by functioning to motivate the spirit of research, the self-reflection of knowledge and …show more content…

The non-observance of these professional codes may perhaps result in the dismissal of the educator’s or revocation of his certificate. Consequently, as educational leaders in the communities, instructors are often in an ideal position to initiate this type of teamwork a get every other party involved in dealing with child abuse and neglect that must be, in fact, a community effort. Every State legally mandates that educators report suspected child abuse and neglect and according to the Florida Code of Ethic of the Education Profession, the educator must promptly report known or suspected child abuse or carelessness to the state Department of Children and

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