
Flowers For Algernon: Artificial Smartness

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Artificial Smartness. Think of a world where people actually use smart drugs and surgeries to get smarter. Sounds like a good world, right? In the story “Flowers for Algernon”, Charlie Gordon had an operation to make him intelligent. I personally do not think Charlie should have had the surgery. Some people disagree because they think that Charlie should have the surgery only because it has had positive results on animals, however, I do not think he should have had it. I think this because he became emotionally unstable, the surgery could have led to other illnesses, and he was happy without any worry about things before. To begin with, Charlie became emotionally unstable. According to Dr. Strauss in “Flowers for Algernon”, he became so intelligent that his emotions could not catch up to the level where is brain was. The operation could have affected his brain in a bad way by making other things wrong with him. Charlie knew his surgery was not permanent and that affected his feelings which made him upset. …show more content…

Dr. Amir Soas of Case Western Reserve University Medical School in Cleveland, says that you have a higher chance in getting Alzheimer's if you do not read at an early age or try to enhance your learning ability. Charlie was eager to learn for himself which is why he went to night school to learn to benefit his learning ability. Data says artificial smartness could affect the brain. It could give him unknown mental illnesses as one possible side effect. Just because the operation showed positive results, it does not mean that it came from the smartness. The operation could have triggered something else in his brain that has not been in effect. Before the operation Charlie had the motivation to learn new things and to work

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