
Flowers For Algernon Starting Point Passage

Decent Essays

Starting Point Passage: (From WW #3: Inquire and Explore)
A lot of people like the season of spring. Students have spring break, so they may be going on vacation. The springtime is when flowers begin to bloom, and when allergies are really bad. For this reason, people that have allergies most likely do not like the spring season. The weather starts to become warmer in the spring season, but there are tornados and storms.
Explanation: My starting point passage seems to have a hesitant flow, and it doesn’t seem intriguing. I think this passage represents how I first viewed the Wednesday Writings at the time. At first, I just viewed the writings as another assignment. Later in the first term, I started to use the Wednesday Writings as an opportunity …show more content…

Some individuals want to find every imperfection that you have to make you feel bad about yourself. In an instant, people can destroy your confidence and make sure that you feel as if you can’t succeed at anything. Why do people have to tear people down and view them with no worth?
Explanation: I believe that the word choice of the preceding passage creates an overall tone of perplexity and a reflective mood. For example, “find every imperfection” is something that many people can relate to what I am stating. Individuals seem to look at their flaws rather than their perfections. I hope that the reader is able to feel more connected to the writing and understand that every human being has “imperfections”. Also, the words, “destroy your confidence” help the reader think about life and how they can stand up for people. They are purposely wanting to “destroy” that individual. I wanted the reader to get the idea that it doesn’t make sense why people do bad things to others. In the end, everyone has the ability to make a difference because there always has to be someone that creates a new …show more content…

My heart was racing, and my palms were sweating while a large crowd of people surrounded me. The crowd was eager to know what was going on and what they could do to help. They acted like children who desire to help in a situation, but they’re unable to actually contribute to the problem at

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