
Fog In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Decent Essays

Essay: One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest 04/7/16 Melanie Pugni Truth is a word that can mean so much to one person. Truth to many people is the object of our understanding as a person just like “good” which is the object of our good intentions. Truth is a word that you believe is when a person tells you a fact or something that actually happened, but can the truth actually be true? This is what Ken Kesey's book One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest questions. Kesey’s use of the fog and machinery suggest that Chiefs character uses his dreams and hallucinations to tell the truth. Chief starts the book off telling us that the book is …show more content…

Chief wants us to decide whether or not that he is a trustworthy narrator and wants us to decide whether or not to believe the events that occurred in the book. Chief uses symbols to describe events that happened or uses the symbols within his description. One being fog. The fog represent something bad in the ward and that it is made by nurse Rachet. The fog prevents the patients from changing anything and causing a rebellion it blocks them from seeing what is actually going on Chief used to be afraid of the fog because he was afraid if he got too comfortable and explored he would be hurt. “So I used to try not to get in too deep, for fear I’d get lost and turn up at the shock shop …show more content…

He dreamed of the ward floor moving into a secret room where they would torture the patients. “He goes to the bed and with one hand grabs the old vegetable Blastic by the heel and lifts him straight up like Blastic don’t weight more’n a few pounds…”(80) A Patient being tortured in the ward does actually happen usually dayley maybe not like that but overall the patients are tortured in a way. This makes what he is saying true in a way that they are tortured in the shock shop. The black boys in the story also could cause him to have these bad dreams the way they torture patients. The black boys are nurse Ratchets aid’s they are dressed in all white and act as nurse Ratchet's body guards. They do her bidding laying beatings on the inmates. They do this to break any of the inmates will and hope they might have. The only one that the black boys can’t break is Mcmurphy. They break the inmates both emotionally and physically so that the nurse can twist and manipulate the patients as she pleases. This said the black boys beatings and harm could cause these bad dreams that Chief has making what he says true. His strange hallucinations of the nurse changing into a tractor in the beginning of the story could also be caused by her manipulative and controlling ways. Since the nurse is so manipulative he sees her as some sort of robot or machine that is programmed to manipulate and fix things.

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