
Food Inc Essay

Decent Essays

Food Inc. is a film about the misconceptions about how food is produced and the government involvement in this production. The movie started by saying most people think their food comes from the stereotypical small family farm. This is however, not the case. A statistic was given that today the top four beef packers control over 85% of the market. This means that food production has become very commercialized. As a result of commercialization, cheap production has become a priority. Hormones are being used to speed up chicken growth, animals are being fed corn instead of grass causing increased presence of E-coli, and genetically modified food has become the norm in present day society. The movie also talks about the role government …show more content…

The Israelites had no government to regulate their food. God regulated what they ate by telling them what was clean and what was unclean. He told the Israelites not to eat
He also told the Israelites how to prepare their food saying, . Because the Israelites prepared their own food, they knew exactly what they were eating. Food Inc. mentioned how cattle stand in their own manure. This would have been a big problem for the Israelites because of the uncleanness it causes.
Viewers gain a lot of information from this movie that cannot be conveyed by a written source. Some things just cannot be put into words and I think that is true of the content of this movie. At one point, a woman whose son died from E-coli was interviewed. Viewers are able to see the pain present in her eyes. By seeing these things, viewers are reminded that this is reality, not just some obscure concept. Viewers also gain information about the big production companies where their food is produced in as well as the conditions of the animals. It is one thing to read about these companies and the way they treat their animals; it is a whole different experience seeing video and pictures of the horrifying conditions the animals live in. These are concepts that in order to truly understand, people have to see images and videos of. Images force people to see things for what they are. This is especially

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