
Food Insecurity Affects More Than 48 Million Americans Every Year ( Mcmillan ) Essay

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Food insecurity affects more than 48 million Americans every year (McMillan). Those who reside in food insecure homes can generally not afford healthy foods, therefore increasing the incidence of obesity and other resultant chronic disorders. According to The American Journal of Public Health, “Food insecurity has been shown to diminish dietary quality and affect nutritional intake and has been associated with chronic morbidity (e.g., type 2 diabetes, hypertension) and weight gain” (Nguyen, Shuval, Bertmann, & Yaroch, 2015, p. 1453). Those who live without adequate access to nutritional food, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, have higher rates of obesity not because of the amount of food they eat, but the poor nutritional value of affordable meals.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Interventions

A majority of those living in food insecure homes rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or previously known as food stamps. In order to be eligible to receive these benefits, one must live in a household with, “a gross income of no more than 130 percent of the poverty rate. For a family of four that qualifying point is $31,005 a year” (McMillan). The average monthly allotment per person receiving benefits is less than $2.00 per meal (McMillan). Due to the high prices of fresh foods and the low amount of benefits, those receiving financial assistance through SNAP have increased rates of obesity. The Milbank Quarterly reports, “Participation in SNAP

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