
Food Security Essay

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The food security of some developing countries remain stable with sufficient food to sustain the nations people.Many countries will continue depending on international trade to ensure their food security.The fight against hunger targets and deliberate action in the form of comprehensive social services, including food assistance, health and sanitation, as well as education and training; with a special focus on the most vulnerable.Climate change and increased biofuel production represent major risks for long-term food security.

Australia environmental challenges
The level of food scarcity in Australia is very low due to the availability of food. The volume of water available is determined mainly by rainfall. Rainfall is variable and in recent times many parts of Australia have experienced prolonged periods of drought. Water storage in dams and aquifers (underground storage) is important to secure water supplies for human use. Most of the water consumed in Australia is by the agriculture industry, which accounted for nearly two-thirds (65%) of total water consumed in 2004-05. Reduced water quality and flows can affect the agricultural and tourism industries and damage the plants and animals that rely on the water for food and habitat. Climate change, urban expansion and soil erosion challenges Australias food production as due to climate change, the water availability can be deducted. Urban expansion and soil erosion can create less land to grow food for a growing

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