
Fool In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

A fool is someone who lacks the common good judgment or sense. The greatest element in this world is the fool, hidden from the awful world surrounding them. That safety net of fooliness “That’s the best thing a girl I can be in this world, a beautiful little fool” (Fitzgerald 17). Daisy Buchanan confesses her awareness of her husband’s affair and reflects her pains of not being the only one in Tom’s love life. Mrs. Buchanan pleads for her daughter to be a fool, not the most common wish for someone, let alone your own child. Beauty is the only power a female can have in the 1920’s, this can bring them a rich husband who can supply her of all of her needs and wants. Yet, a female must be a fool in this sense, otherwise they will be never happy with an egoist husband, who most likely is having an affair. Daisy is a beautiful example of this tragedy, married and all alone while her husband is having matinees with the mistress Myrtle Wilson. Sleeping with someone other than your wife is not something you should ever do, yet adultery was very popular in America at this time. In the nation of sex and gin being the nation’s drink according to the New York Times maybe the idea of affairs seemed a little more acceptable, at least for the men. Not only that main characters were having affairs but everyone else as well, …show more content…

Women only have their words while the the men in society have the ability to use force. Fists can beat words any day, “‘Daisy!’ shouted Mrs. Wilson. ‘I’ll say it whenever I want to! Dai-’ Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand” (Fitzgerald 37). Tom has broken his mistress’ nose, the women in the room squawk at Tom and help Myrtle with her now damaged and bloody face. Yet, not one truly punished Tom for his actions and even Nick never thought too much about this attack on

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