
Football Isn 't Just A Sport

Satisfactory Essays

Football isn’t just a sport, it unites the world, therefore, no one should grudge the top players their hefty salaries. Why is it possible to justify such a perspective? Well, OK so maybe some of the salaries paid to footballers constitute money that most of us can only ever dream about, but…….and it’s a big but……almost anyone can play regardless of income. More than that, it 's cheap to play and can be played almost anywhere. For just a few minutes anyone kicking a ball around the park with friends can relive the top scorers in the world’s goals in their own imaginations. There are no restrictions on the size of field played on, it can be on any surface as long as it’s not too hilly and some of the top players in the world such as Ronaldinho, Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi started their first contact with the game kicking tin cans, sponges, golf balls and scrunched up pieces of paper. The phrase ‘jumpers for goalposts’ comes to mind but it is true! You don’t even need FIFA standard goal posts. This is why when you add it up; for the millions of fans across the world who watch matches on the television on a Saturday afternoon to the ones who borderline a mental health obsession, it puts the wages into a different perspective. One of the biggest barriers to the sport is access. Whether that means money, climate, geography, or facilities, it matters not. The point is football is the most popular game in the world to watch, play and support. That is the key to why the

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