
For What It's Worth Meaning

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Lyric Journal In initially listening to the song entitled “For What It’s Worth”, I had presumed that the song was about the Vietnam War that was happening in the 1960’s. However, like so many others, I was wrong. In doing further research as to what was the meaning behind the song, I found that the lyrics were written due to some riots and protests that happened in Los Angeles. Apparently, some young adults were disruptive and were given a curfew to keep them from staying at a local club, Pandora’s Box. The situation escaladed to the point that some law enforcement officers from Los Angeles Police Department were called to the scene to regain control. However, the situation gradually progressed into what is known as the “Sunset Strip Riots”. The song, written by Stephen Stills, was originally created in protest to the ordered curfew. …show more content…

The beat of the song is slow and gives the feeling of dread or being denied of freedom. The song also describes how restricted and controlled the young adults were when the lyrics stated “There's a man with a gun over there, telling me I got to beware”. In the song, Stills also explained how violent the LAPD were to the innocent civilians if they did not do as instructed by saying “You step out of line, the man come and take you away”. Even though Americans had the freedom of speech, many who were “speaking their minds” were sent jail and temporarily imprisoned. Due to the emotional feelings and lyrics put in the song, “For What It’s Worth” was frequently used in almost any act of protest due to its rebellious nature and its disregard to

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