
Ford Pinto Case For A Defective Fuel System

Decent Essays


The Ford Pinto case involved the explosion of Ford Pinto 's due to a defective fuel system. The fuel system was designed in a way that even with a small hit the car would explode. After the cost-benefit analysis, Ford decided to go with its original gas tank designed despite the crash-test result. At that time Ford thought that would be the most ethical decision for the business. But later in 1978 media paid more attention to the Pinto gas tank stories, which resulted in accidents and many people lost their lives. Ford faced pressure from the media, the government, loss of future sales, loss of image, court cases, and had to recall 1.5 million Pintos. One wrong decision of the Pinto Ford representatives cost them more than what they assumed. In this case the argument and results would be different according to ones ethical views. The three main ethical theories I have chosen that could’ve changed the decision and result are; Mills—Consequentialism, Kant—Deontology, and Rawls –theory of distributive justice. According to Mills—Consequentialism ethics, the individuals made the ethical decision at that point. They were focusing on the end result, which was making money and benefiting business instead of fixing all the cars that would cost them $137.5 million. The company wanted to achieve their sales goal, and create the greatest amount of good for the company. The made the business cost benefit analysis, and their decision was beneficial for the

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