
Foreign Policy And Decision Making Simulation

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Brief for General McMaster On behalf of the State Department I was involved in an Israeli foreign policy and decision-making simulation where members were to agree upon various minimal peace terms and implementations. This brief for General H. R. McMaster will provide the most thorough analysis of the outcomes from this simulation to provide the best suggestions for the United States involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The opening remarks by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were that the ministers must agree in consensus or the proposition shall not pass, the cabinet must decide on their most minimal peace terms, and at the conclusion of deliberations all ministers must agree or resign. (February 27 Minutes) Netanyahu met …show more content…

(February 27 Minutes, and March 6 at 2:35) Israel will also have full control of the water infrastructure in the West Bank and will enable a policy of hot pursuit and establish security control over all areas not annexed if Palestine oversteps their confinements. (March 6 Minutes)
Section Two: Key Dynamics and Players Involved
Upon arrival on February 27th, Yoav Galant, Minister of Construction, stressed the utmost importance of eliminating the housing crisis in Israel. Galant offered the proposal of Mordot Arnona where there would be 2000 new housing units that will aid growing populations inside the new territory added to Jerusalem. (Powerpoint for Ministry of Construction, February 27 Minutes) This suggestion worried the Minister of Internal Security, Gilad Erdan, because of its capability to threaten the security of Israel. Galant’s reasoning behind this proposal is the expansion of housing in Jerusalem. The neighborhood will allow for the continuation of growth and development, providing for the housing demand. With this implemented, it will strengthen Jerusalem as the capital. The lack of housing is one of the highest concerns for Galant. On the basis of needing 250,000 houses due to a shortage of housing, there was a 75% increase in housing costs from 2008-2015. Galant proposed the annexation of areas E1 and Ma’ale Adumim located East of Jerusalem in order to create more space to distribute housing. Over

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