
Foreign Relations With Russia Essay

Decent Essays

Uniteds States’ foreign relations with Russia have been shaky even after the fall of the USSR in 1991, most notably because Russian leaders have never been very supportive of the United States’ global democratic influence. However, with the collapse of the Soviet economy, Russia realized that democratic economic policies were probably the only path to a successful and thriving country. But with recent U.S. intervention in Russian foreign policy over the annexation of Crimea and the unstable Ukrainian conflicts, relations with Russia have become especially hostile. Therefore the U.S. should take a look at the implications of losing stable relations with Russia (as it has in the past few years) and instead strengthen these relations, to …show more content…

Most importantly however, the U.S. should attempt to see Putin’s side of the argument and try to understand where he is coming from so that Russia no longer feels like it is being treated as a lesser power when compared to the other more affluent Western nations. (Tsvetov, 58) Next we must look at why Russians disregard U.S. aid and intervention, and how we can remedy ourselves in order to promote better relations. First of all Russia desires to become a great superpower as it had been post World War 2, however many Russians believe that U.S. intervention in their “private” foreign policy has hindered Russia’s growth locally as well as internationally. As a result, Russia has taken its own measures to remedy this issue, starting with the unauthorized and unlawful annexation of Crimea. (Tsvetov, 58) So the U.S. should make it clear that its intentions are not to overpower Russia when interfering with its foreign policy, but rather to enforce international laws and keep the world safe from Russian over empowerment. Additionally, the U.S. should not interfere beyond its boundaries as Putin believes it has, an example being U.S. support for the Ukrainian protesters. (Tsvetov, 58) And the U.S. must restore its integrity by pulling itself out of its support for instances such as the “colour revolutions” and all other foreign incidences which it is not a

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