
Forgetting In Short-Term Memory

Satisfactory Essays

1. Recall is better for ___________ words, and recognition is better for _____________ words.
a) familiar; unfamiliar
b) unfamiliar; familiar
c) familiar; familiar
d) unfamiliar; unfamiliar
Question type: Recall question; Radvansky Chapter 3; Page 44
2. Which of the following results of a forward digit span task, IF TRUE, would provide evidence that forgetting in short-term memory is due to decay?
a) slowing the presentation rate decreases the number of digits recalled
b) speeding the presentation rate decreases the number of digits recalled
c) slowing the presentation rate increases the number of digits recalled
d) presentation rate makes no difference on the number of digits recalled
Question type: Critical thinking; Radvansky Chapter 4; Pages 68-70
3. …show more content…

The stage of skill acquisition in which a skill no longer relies on conscious effort is the:
a) autonomous stage
b) anoetic stage
c) automatic stage
d) associative stage
Question type: Recall question; Radvansky Chapter 6; Page 110
5. You do not have enough time to review all the material for your psychology final tomorrow. What should you spend the most time studying to maximize learning?
a) the material that is slightly beyond your current level of understanding
b) the material that is at your current level of understanding
c) the hardest material, because you are least familiar with it
d) the easiest material, because overlearning will ensure you do well on those questions
Question type: Application question; Radvansky Chapter 14; Page 281
6. A fifty-five year old man is suffering from transient global amnesia. Which of the following would be the most difficult for him to remember?
a) the concert he attended three months ago
b) how to touch-type on his computer keyboard
c) the names of the food items in his kitchen pantry
d) the accident he was in when he was ten years old
Question type: Critical thinking; Radvansky Chapter 16; Page

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