
Forgetting The Past, Focusing On The Future: . How Alzheimer’S

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Forgetting the Past, Focusing on the Future:
How Alzheimer’s in the Aging Population Effects Health Care Today

Within the next forty years, the United States will spend over $20 trillion dollars in total for patient’s with Alzheimer 's (Johns). As the population ages, people become continuously more at risk for Alzheimer’s and other dementias; therefore, it remains crucial to learn about the effects of the aging population and Alzheimer’s on health care today. With the baby boomer generation reaching ages where care and assistance is necessary, the healthcare field must adapt to accommodate to their needs. By 2030, there will be twice as many geriatric people in the United States (Johns). In fact, 19 million Americans will turn 65 …show more content…

For every $31,000 that is spent on Alzheimer’s care, only $100 is spent on researching it. While researching this disease is a costly process, caring for these patients could prove to be even more expensive. In 2012, two hundred billion dollars were spent directly on health care for all these individuals. Furthermore, dementia and Alzheimer’s patients spend three times more on Medicare than those without. Patients with Alzheimer’s also tend to have more expensive bills with the addition of any other disease or condition because the combination of treatments may create certain restrictions that are costly to work around. (Johns) Alzheimer’s needs more funding in order to find ways to prevent this disease in the future because the number of patients and medical costs will increase rapidly. Not only does Alzheimer’s impact the patients and their families, it also affects the medical personnel caring for them. Caretakers develop personal connections to their patients, especially their Alzheimer’s patients because they typically live in long-term care for longer periods of time. Over 60% of these employees agree that working with dementia patients can feel stressful, and because of this stress, these workers paid almost $9 billion in personal health expenses in 2011. In fact, one third of these employees admit they have signs of depression. (Johns) New methods for assisting these patients must be

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