
Forms Of Censorship In 1984

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Censorship, which is often described as the destruction of free speech, generally encompasses the altering or deleting information in a message or communication between the sender and receiver, often without their notice or consent. On the other hand, free speech, is defined as “the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint”. These two concepts which contradict one another often cause disagreements, especially over finding a balance between the two. There are many different forms of censorship. Some forms might completely and utterly change the original message, while some forms might be just simply hiding the actual truth. Though balancing free speech and censorship is difficult, allowing the destruction of information is no different from the form of censorship that was the job of Winston Smith in the dystopian community of 1984. …show more content…

With public documents rewritten, and pictures edited to remove “unpersons” (52) in the Ministry of Truth, the so called Party of Airstrip One delivers some of the worst forms of censorship in history. An example of how the government forces censorship onto the people of Airstrip One is how they give highly exaggerated production figures to force the citizens to believe that their nation’s government is growing extremely quickly, and creating surplus of what is needed, while in reality, it is the polar opposite. This, and other forms of censorship are continuous and non-stop in the city. For most of his life, Winston was charged with the task of destroying references to “unpersons” in newspaper articles. He was also given the task of writing an article about Comrade Ogilvy, a completely non-existent party member who portrayed the party’s view of superior

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