
Forsaken Promises

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What does the future hold? What will happen at the end of the age? Will the church be raptured up into Heaven or will the church remain on Earth? Are the Jews still God’s chosen people? Has the church replaced Israel? These and other questions have been asked since Jesus left Earth and ascended into Heaven. Since that day Christians have been looking and longing with eager anticipation for the return of Christ. The study of the return of Christ, or last things, is known as Eschatology, and within Eschatology there are several schools of thought concerning the Church and Israel. These schools of thought are known as Covenant and Dispensational Theology. Two similar schools of thought within Dispensational theology are known as Classical and …show more content…

Boice writes, “In the OT there is the creation of an ekklesia, an assembly of those who are called out of a normal relationship to the world in order to be a special people of God.” The church is not “Plan B” in God’s plan of salvation but rather was hinted at in the OT through the calling out of Abraham and Israel but was not fully realized until the NT. Blaising argues this point when he writes, “The church is seen less and less as a parenthesis in the divine program. Instead it is seen as vitally linked to and comprehended in the plan of God revealed in the Old Testament.” The sharp line which is drawn between the Church and Israel is dulled within PD as this view attempts to harmonize the two Testaments into one unifying work of God throughout all of history.
TD views the church as in a parenthetical relationship with God and His plan for Israel. TD taught that the offer to the kingdom of Israel was genuine, but it was also conditional and contingent on the nations response, when Israel choose to reject the Messiah, the offer of Jesus Christ was offered to the Gentiles and the kingdom did not immediately appear but was postponed. TD argue that had the Israelites accepted the Messiah the Kingdom would have begun immediately, however, since Israel rejected Jesus the offer went to the Gentiles. Therefore, since

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