
Forshadowing In George Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Good Essays

Of Mice and Men

“God a’mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy. I could go get a job an’ work, an’ no trouble...I could take my fifty bucks and go into town and get whatever I want” (Steinbeck 11).
As the story goes on in Section 1, George gets irritated that Lennie, a mentally disabled man, wanted ketchup with his meal. George’s monologue showed the desire of obtaining a prosperous life in the American Dream with no struggle behind him without Lennie by his side. This leaves a little hint of foreshadowing because George is motivated to stay on his own path without taking care of Lennie. The use of anaphora creates a message of aspiration with an ambitious tone, therefore, providing an indirect characterization of George during the first part of the novel.
“Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world...They ain’t got nothing to look ahead to” (13-14).
According to the author’s text, George affirms that men working as the ranch-hand have no companions to be with, thus, they seemed to only work for themselves. In consideration of the time period, men yearn for a better life as many try to find occupations during the Depression. The irony is that George and Lennie are the only characters that signify brotherhood, keeping each other company. Therefore, the text incites the theme of men’s friendship with a pleasant voice and a use of anaphora that affects the speaker’s syntax by briefly stating the motives of ranchers.
“Well, look. Lennie-if you

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