
Fossil Fuels In The US

Good Essays

Fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas provide the U.S. with over 80 percent of its energy supply (McNerney & Cheek, 2012). Fossil fuels, formed from organic materials over the course of many centuries, have fueled the global and U.S. economic development for the past two centuries. Nonetheless, fossil fuels are finite resources that cause irreversible harm to the environment. Scientists consider them nonrenewable forms of energy since they take hundreds of years to form. According to Rand (2010), fossil fuels were responsible for 79 percent of the greenhouse emissions in 2010. Poor efficiency practices and higher energy demands have increased the usage of fossil fuels, and it is now important to find substitute means of generating …show more content…

Instead of discarding, consumers can reuse many of the already available goods. For example, fabric grocery shopping bags are longer-lasting compared to plastic bags; consumers should opt for longer-lasting and reusable products. Reusable glass cups and plates will also cut down the amount of plastics and Styrofoam that need fossil fuel resources. In addition, consumers should give goods manufactured from recycled material preference over non-recycled ones when shopping. Consumers can also refill and reuse some products such as computer cartridges and ink. According to Faust (2009), about 75 percent of the waste produced in America is recyclable. Recycling materials instead of sending them to the landfill can help to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels. Donating functional products such as light bulbs, clothes, fans, microwaves, and other household goods to charity instead of throwing them out or burning also reduces the dependence on fossil fuels. It does so in the following way: it reduces the cost of transportation for both new and old products, either to the dumping sites or to the …show more content…

Energy efficiency has a variety of benefits: lowering cost on both household and economical levels, reducing demand for energy imports, and fewer greenhouse emissions. Although renewable energy technologies help to accomplish these objectives of reducing the utilization of fossil fuels, the cheapest, and often most immediate, is improving energy efficiency. There are considerable opportunities for improving the efficiency in almost all sectors of the economy, whether it is transport, energy generation, buildings, or industry. Most typical cars consume fossil fuels. Choosing alternative forms of transport other than running a personal car saves on the fossil fuel. Alternative forms of transport in America include train, subway system, or bus. Moreover, taking public transport does not only save on fossil fuels but it also allows one to concentrate on other things such as reading. Additionally, the best way of being independent of fossil fuels is driving less. Bicycle riding or walking reduces the utilization of fossil fuels; it is cheap, good for the environmental, and

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