
Foster Care Internship Report

Decent Essays

During my undergraduate studies, in Behavioral Healthcare at USF, I had the privilege to intern at the Juvenile Diversion Program (JDP) in Hillsborough County. I interacted with children: from diverse races; cultures; socioeconomic status; countless had involvement with protective services, and who committed first time misdemeanor offenses. Under the direction and guidance of my supervisor (a clinical social worker), I developed proficient interviewing and assessment skills (using GAIN Q and EARL instruments). I fell in love with the children and profession which led to my decision to pursue a master’s degree in social work. For example, one of my cases involved a nine year old girl who was: sexually abused by her stepfather; a victim of neglect and physical mistreatment by her mother; a caregiver to her younger brothers; and sheltered in several foster care placements. This child came to the JDP for assaulting her foster care mother. As a result, she was separated from her brothers and placed in a …show more content…

For example, one patient’s MRI results showed a congenital anomaly in his brain. As a result, he required a consult with a brain specialist. Unfortunately, this patient recently aged out of the foster care system so, he was lacking insurance coverage and the financial means for medical treatment. Under those circumstances, I decided to secure him with a brain consult. After days of phone calls, I discovered Tampa General Hospital provides medical services to the indigent and they agreed to see the patient. The patient was reluctant, but I persisted by calling every day until he relented. A few days later, he notified me the doctor removed a brain mass (that would have eventually kill him) and thanked me for saving his life. Exemplifying, it takes one person to change the trajectory of another person’s

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