
Foucault's Discipline And Punish

Decent Essays

Whenever he punishes his children, he says they commit sin and he puripies them bu punishment in order to maintain disicipline. Foucault’s Discipline and Punish describes several techniques to achieve discipline. He states that anyone can achieve discipline, “discipline proceeds from the distribution of individuals in space.” (DAP 141). The first technique is ‘enclosure’. In this close view focuses different kinds of people at one place. It is the place of project to disciplinary in monotonies way. In Purple Hibiscus, Adichi shows Eugene’s separate cell to Kambili and Jaja in open doors to control them to make discipline. In Journeying Out of Silenced Familial Spaces in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus, Ouma argues that the silence in the house is psychological as well as physical. After returning from Nsukka, Kambili and Jaja observe oppressing silence by Eugene.
According to Foucault, the prison house is a way to product the public from the criminals and the same way the criminals must keep the discipline by monitoring. In prison house, they follow rules …show more content…

In this technique gives space, permission to gather or group but under the surveillance, not only to break the conversation but also to make useful space between them. It makes supervision in general and individual. Foucault states that, “Particular places were defined to correspond not only to the need to supervise, to break dangerous communications, but also to create a useful space.” (143-44). But this space links with ‘posts’ to make smooth relationship. But in Purple Hibiscus, Eugene never creates space between Kambili and Jaja and he never allots any posts even he fails to allot their gender role.
At Nsukka, Aunty gives all, which is the reason Jaja and Kambili like her and hate him. The dining also paves surveillance, they eat in silent way and they return to their rooms in silent. Everything supervises and monitors by Papa-Eugene,

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