
Fourth Wave Feminism

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Is It Post Feminism Or The Fourth Wave

The word feminism is defined as referring to political, cultural, and economic movements seeking greater rights and participation in society for women and girls. This word goes hand in hand with the feminist movement, which is aimed at equal rights for women. The feminist movement has had three distinct waves. The first wave took place in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and granted women the right to vote and practice birth control. The second wave achieved legal equality for women and began in the 1960’s and continued into the 90’s . The third wave of the feminist movement strove for social reform and began in the mid-90’s and some say it is still continuing today, or perhaps it died out …show more content…

Well, traditional feminism is no more. This fourth wave of feminism calls for a new type of feminist. One who wears Playboy bunny logos and low cut jeans, objectifies her body and the women around her, and most importantly does not see any of this as being problematic because that “would be old-school and uncool” (89) as Levy puts it. This fourth wave of feminism includes actresses who wear sexually suggestive, soft-porn style clothing which they explain as representing strong women and empowerment. The idea behind the fourth wave of feminism is to enjoy being loved for your body, because that will get you all the freedom and liberation you need. For instance, these actresses who dress similarly to porn stars and strippers earned roughly $125 million dollars for doing so (Levy,88). If that money does not buy liberation, then what will. This new feminist movement is also comprised of women who often use the terms liberation, empowerment, and sexy to replace the term equality which was once used synonymously with the feminist movement. This feminist movement has been touched by the previous waves of feminists, and therefore women today have “earned the right to look at Playboy...” (88) and so the fourth wave of feminism gave birth to what Levy refers to as the female chauvinist pig. Collectively, the feminists

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