
Fracking And The Drilling Community

Decent Essays

Imagine not being able to use the water that comes out of your kitchen faucet. At first you think it is cool that you can light your house water on fire but then become saddened when you realize no one will buy a house on contaminated land. Showers, swimming in pools, brushing your teeth have all become dangerous health risks. Families are getting sick more often and no one knows why. The citizens began to research what was going on in the area they lived in and soon learned that oil companies were using a process called hydraulic fracturing to extract oil out of the ground at nearby farms. This practice is a very controversial in the drilling community because it has longer lasting effects and it poses a greater risk to the people who surround the well site. Hydraulic Fracturing or “Fracking” is a new innovated way to get fossil fuels out of the ground. Companies use fracking when there is shale gas or tight gas and oil trapped in the ground below. The crews of these wells drill down into the earth and pump a mixture of water and a cocktail of chemicals in order to release this gas. The solution fractures the ground below releasing gasses and oil back up through the pipe where the fossil fuel product is stored and shipped across the country. Recently fracking companies have been coming under fire for contaminating aquifers in the areas they operate. They may say that fracking is a tried and true way to gain natural gas but I am skeptical.
Fracking is very popular

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