Criticism of hydraulic mine fracturing is rooted in the idea that the chemicals released from the process into the ground will be detrimental to the health of those residing near contaminated areas. “The sand and water used in the process are mixed with up to 600 different different types of chemicals per mine fracture. Mercury, lead, uranium, hydrochloric acid, formaldehyde and radium are all found within the fracking fluid.” (Dangers of Fracking). These toxic chemicals leak into the groundwater and serve as unsafe drinking water to surrounding cities. “There have been over 1,000 documented cases of water contamination next to areas of gas drilling as well as cases of sensory, respiratory, and neurological damage due to ingested contaminated water” (Dangers of Fracking). Most of the non biodegradable toxic fluid remains in the ground while only a small percentage is recovered. Volatile organic compounds are released into the air due to the remaining fluid resulting in a contamination of the air, ground level ozone and acid rain.
Hydraulic fracking isn 't all good though, there are many controversial things about it. First off, water contamination is a hazard. There are many ways that the water supply could be contaminated by fracking. One way is by groundwater entering through cracks that fracking has made. The water solution that 's pumped into the ground is a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals. Water and sand make up 98% of the mixture, while the remaining 2% is chemicals. Although fracking companies have never realised the chemicals used, scientists studying wastewater have found many harmful additives. A few of these are benzene, toluene, and many acids, all of which pose huge threats to humans. For each fracking well, more than 8 million liters of
It’s been over 65 years since fracking first began as a method of extraction by oil and gas companies, but the government has done little to regulate the catastrophic practice. How anyone could consider injecting tens of thousands of gallons of water and chemicals deep into the ground being a good idea is beyond me. Those chemicals include chlorine, acetone, benzene, formaldehyde, ammonia, and almost 600 other chemicals that fracking operations won’t even reveal to the public. These chemicals, despite denial by all major natural gas and oil companies that practice fracking, almost always end up in groundwater supplies. I’m sure you’ve seen at least one video online of someone who lives near a fracking site lighting the water coming out of their faucet on fire. Thanks to a ruling in 2005 under the Bush administration, fracking operations are exempt from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean
Today I will be talking about how the southern borders of California and Florida voting patterns have changed in the past 25 years. In those 25 years there have been significant changes throughout how many people voted Democratic over Republican.
Hydraulic fracking is not only harmful to people but also toxic for the environment around the site. Extracting gasses deep in the earth's crust is not natural, neither is sucking 5-8 million gallons of water out of lakes. Eight million gallons might not seem like a lot because of how much the earth’s surface is covered in water, but there are over a million wells being fracked around the United States. Even if the fracking site is located in water deficient regions the companies will still pump out a large quantity of water from the local sources. For now, we have enough water for drinking and domestic use, but if the process doesn't stop or slow down we will affect the ecosystem. The composition of some fracking chemicals remains protected and disclosure through various "trade secret" exemptions under state or federal law, scientists analyzing fracked fluid have identified dangerous compounds to humans and the environment. For each frack, 70-300 tons of chemicals may be used, selected from a menu of up to 500 different chemicals. When the workers are down with the fracking mixture it is then stored on site in tanks and get reused until the fluid is be disposed of. When disposing of the flowback fluids, it's injected back into the ground deeper than the wellbore and left. In a recent report, USGS science for a changing world made stated “Wastewater disposal wells typically
The actual technique involves “pumping a slurry of water, sand and chemicals underground to fracture shale formations and release hydrocarbons” ("Fracking", 2013, p. 276). Modern procedures use a high degree of manipulation in order to extract the natural gas. The natural gas from fracking is dispersed in rock, and can only be retrieved by using specialized removal techniques (Palliser, 2012). These specialized techniques have many unintended consequences. For instance, the current method of fracking may cause the issue of flowback. Flowback occurs when the internal pressure of the rock formation causes the injected watery, chemical mixture to return to the surface with other naturally occurring substances (Palliser, 2012). This flowback is often injected back underground or can be processed by wastewater treatment plants, where it is later discharged as surface water (Palliser, 2012). Indisputably, the disposal and generation of flowback is one of the main concerns regarding hydraulic fracking. The wastewater developed from fracking procedures is often inappropriately handled and is sometimes sprayed onto rural roads and forests (Finkel & Hays, 2013). As a result, the surface water may come in contact with living organisms and can cause a plethora of issues. For fracking opponents, their driving force is the ill effects of fracking on the environment and overall health. Similarly, the possibility of drinking or coming in contact with chemically laden byproducts
Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing, is the process that extracts oil and natural gas from under the ground. Today, it is a controversial issue that requires a lot of attention. It is a very important topic that has both its positives and its negatives. As Fracking grows and expands, people should start to consider the advantages and disadvantages of fracking and what it really means.
Fracking is preeminent problem, affecting the environment and communities of Virginia. King George and the Rappahannock River are especially being affected by the fracking activity in Virginia. Because the people of these areas are riddled with problems, fracking should be regulated closely. This should be done for the safety of the residents of King George and surrounding areas. Fracking endangers our communities, the environment, and our food and water sources, which is why is should be put to a stop.
The question asked was “should fracking be used to release oil and natural gas?” I believe thatwe should use fracking to release oil and natural gases. Although, it has its negatives italso allows use to do what we do today. We have came to heavily rely on these oils andnatural gases and fracking is just another think allowing us to get what we need. Also,fracking can poison the groundwater and can deplete water supply.Fracking is a universal topic that can be looked at positively or negatively. Fracking allows us toaccess natural resources faster then how we naturally get them. In source B it states“Tapping those energy sources would make the United States less dependent,economically and politically, on unstable countries such as Venezuela
Victoria Sandlin Professor Sharifian Government 2306-73434 15 April 2017 Sanctuary Cities Local government has been under attack lately in Texas; local control has an importance to the people attached to it that state government can’t compete with. Local control has been an effective way for getting Texas resident’s messages across to state control. The people of cities and counties greatly influence local control by advocating about the importance of certain powers, for example, fracking. Fracking has been known and proven to increase earthquakes in Texas, creating an importance to the Texan people that fracking is acknowledged and dealt with accordingly by the state government. Many are reaching out to local and state governments
In the modern world, we have few similarities to our ancestors. However, there are a few aspects of our culture that have lasted through the centuries. One of the most prominent is our constant use of symbols and pictures to convey complicated messages. One of the reasons for this is the fact that pictures can touch our emotions in a way that few things can. This interaction with emotion is especially useful in arguments. The picture taken to protest fracking used this knowledge to strengthen their argument that fracking for oil is harmful because of contamination the process leaves behind.
The mismanagement of the practice has the potential to create environmental damage such as water contamination, radioactive spills, and increased seismic activity that could cost thousands in dollars in damage. Furthermore, the unintended consequences of fracking can have detrimental effects on the environmental. The potential for water contamination can pose both an immediate and long term risk to environmental stability, including landscape distortion, inhabitability and ecological displacement. This contamination of drinking water can also be detrimental to the human environment, limiting the amount of safe water available for both the residential and commercial human environment. With the increase of fracking, the level of disapproval for the practice has only mounted. Concerns including overconsumption of
The most dangerous consequence of fracking is that hundreds of chemicals are blasted into the Earth’s crust, which creates cracks in the bedrock. Many times, these cracks lead to an aquifer, in which case, all of the water in the aquifer becomes contaminated with these chemicals (Jackson, 2014). Additionally, when the natural gas is being pumped out of the wells, methane is released into the atmosphere. A study conducted by NOAA found that approximately 4% of the methane is being released into the atmosphere. This same study found that methane pollution increases climate changes because it traps heat in the atmosphere 25 times more than carbon dioxide (Hoffman, 2016). Furthermore, fracking waste wells are the primary cause of the increase of earthquakes in the Central U.S. This is because these wells operate for a longer period of time, which means that they inject more “solid ‘cake’” into the Earth than the actual fracking process (USGS, n.d. and StateImpact, 2017). Finally, recent studies have found that people who live near a fracking site are at higher risk to develop respiratory problems, which is due to the increased levels of pollutants. These pollutants are not only affecting the people who live in close proximity to these sites, but to the workers, as well. The most common type of respiratory problem reported was lung
Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is the process of extracting natural gas from shale rock layers deep within the earth.The dangers of fracking are the chemicals that go into fracking and how much water is used and contamination of city water. Some dangers of fracking are water usage. They use 2 to 5 million gallons of water. Not all of the chemicals are recovered from the ground. We only know of 8 out of 600 chemicals. To many chemicals are used and some a harmful. Fracking water usage is too high for instance one well can use 144,000,000million gallons of water. 50%-70% of the fracking fluid is left in the ground and isn’t biodegradable. The waste fluid that is outside in the sunlight evaporates and releases volatile organic compounds(Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure at ordinary room temperature. Their high vapor pressure results from a low boiling point, which causes large numbers of molecules to evaporate or sublimate from the liquid or solid form of the compound and enter the surrounding air.) Due to the VOCs acid rain, ground level ozone and contaminated air. Ground level ozone is bad, but ozone up high in the atmosphere protects the earth from the Sun’s harmful rays.
In the United States, the people who are most likely to protest are active in protecting the environment or they live in a forest or river area that may be directly affected by any fracking happening there. People are against fracking because they do not like the pollution it can cause as well as believing some studies showing that it could lead to earthquakes. Many are concerned about the possible contamination of groundwater resources from the chemicals and water used to in the process of fracking. Many people do not want to give up their land for the government to use for fracking even if they receive compensation because the compensation is often less in value than the land they are sometimes being forced to give up to the government. Some people may like it because if
Another problem that we know exists with hydraulic fracturing is the contamination of the water, the ground, and the air around the sites (Goldman pg. 2). It has been shown that “…residents living near the hydraulic fracturing sites are increasingly worried that the drilling process might be contaminating their well water, polluting streams, and releasing toxic gases into the air (Hobson).” Water sources, as well as the soil, are often polluted from flowback fluid and from production brine (Hydro-Fracking pg.4). Flowback fluid is “the contaminated fluid that returns to the surface during the drilling process, and is estimated to be between 9% - 35% of the fluids injected during