
Franklin D. Roosevelt 's President Of The United States

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Chapter 31-33 Test: Individual Question When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to his first term as president of the United States in 1932, America was in a severe depression. When Franklin Roosevelt took office in March of 1933, President Hoover handed the problems of the Great Depression over to Roosevelt. Upon taking office, Franklin Roosevelt issued a bank holiday which forced all banks to close from March 6 to March 10 while he met with Congress to pass the Emergency Banking Act to allow banks with enough money to reopen and for the Federal Government to help the banks that did not have enough money (A Bank). This act was a prerequisite to many other programs that would develop under Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration. Under …show more content…

These actions are similar to the actions taken by Theodore Roosevelt during the progressive era. The ideas of the National Recovery Administration contains ideas that further the ideas and events during Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency. During his presidency, Theodore Roosevelt intervened in the coal strike of 1902, where he showed strong support for the workers. This is similar to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal policies that involved the Federal Government directly helping the working class people. Furthermore, the progressive era showed strong support “for legislation regulating child labor and workplace safety” (Reform). Through the National Recovery Administration, child labor was ended (The Great). Even after the Supreme Court ruled the National Recovery Administration unconstitutional in the Schechter case, the basic principles of both the progressive era labor union reforms and the National Recovery Administration were carried through in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This new act readministered many of the regulations issued by the National Recovery Administration; this act “set a minimum wage, maximum working hours, and forbade children under 16 from working” (The Great). Similarly, by 1910 of the progressive era, state laws were already established that regulated the minimum age for children to work at an age between 12 and 16 and also set a maximum length to a workday and a

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