
Franny: A Short Story Of The Screeching Mary Ann

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The children in this story are spoiled and mean, especially the young Bloomfields. Mary Ann is a pure terror, not that Tom seems to be much better, but he is just mean. When Agnes describes the screeching Mary Ann does to get her way out of her lessons, it made me cringe. How did Agnes put up with that for as long as she did. Then on top of it she had to deal with Tom. Tom is just evil. What child goes around killing birds? I certainly do not and I also do not know any children who do. It is just plain cruel. Franny, I believe at least, was still innocent when Agnes left. She only did the horrible things she did because of her siblings either told her to or her siblings were already doing it. There was not much on Franny, but I could see her growing up to be just as horrible as her siblings. I questioned how these children could be so misbehaved before Agnes even really started to teach them, but it was made clear fairly quickly that it was the adults in their life. The two people that stood out the most were Mrs. Bloomfield and Uncle Robson. Mrs. Bloomfield was consistently scolding Agnes about the children's poor behavior when she would not allow Agnes anyway to correct the behavior and would not correct it herself. She also had the nerve to fire Agnes with the reason that the children were misbehaved because of Agnes’s teaching. I get how mothers think their children are perfect, but come on, these children are like little devils, when their father is not around. The father seemed to be the only person who could keep them in line it seemed. Then there was Uncle Robson. How dare …show more content…

My favorite page is when she is telling Agnes to wait for a better offer, after she had put out the advertisement. All I could picture was Agnes getting all excited, but instead of Agnes it was a child jumping up and down, and her mother was just telling her to be patient. I know this is not what happened but that is what I

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