
Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis

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The Metamorphosis, written in 1912, unlike many of Kafka’s other works, lacks a sense of incompleteness. Consisting of three, formally structured, chapters, each with their climax. Throughout the story, different themes are displayed but above all the family relationships affected by Gregor Samsa’s, the main protagonist, transformation into a “gargantuan pest” (13). Gregor remains in this physical state all through the story, and it is his only real change as a person. On the other hand, Grete, Gregor’s sister, slowly transforms into adulthood and is presumed to have reached full maturation by the end of the novella.
In The Metamorphosis Gregor, himself does experience what the reader expects: a change in character or values. Like several people, …show more content…

When Gregor awakes one morning and discovers that he has metamorphosed into a “gargantuan pest” he is startled and dubious, as any human would be (13). He comes to accept, as he must, the irreversibility of his new situation. Though undesired, there is nothing that Gregor can do to change his state. The only deed that he can, and does take, is to adapt his attitude to this incredible change. His family members, however, are apparently incapable of making the same kind of psychological …show more content…

In spite of still being afraid of his current insect body, Grete still displays real concern for Gregor and on her own decides to aid of him consequently making her the only family member to face Gregor on a regular basis. She nurses him and takes notice of what his new taste prefers, bringing him a wide selection of food, of which some were old and rotted (34). Gregor profoundly acknowledges this as he can reveal to his sister his new food preference.
Aside from becoming the self-appointed caregiver of Gregor, Grete also uptakes the part of Gregor's spokesperson to the family. After tending to Gregor in the evening, she was expected to give a detailed report about his health, the room's condition, and any noticeable slight improvements if any (41). Although Grete's efforts were initially of good motive, all ended when Gregor tries to prevent the removal of his furniture and startles his Mother inciting Mr. Samsa to assault and injure him. Consequently ensuing a great division in Gregor's bond with his

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