
Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey Essay

Decent Essays

In 1818 Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey was born a slave with the will to be free . Frederick didn’t know his father and he saw his mom 5 times in his life. As a slave he worked all day and slepton dirt floor in potato sacks to keep warm. Frederick was sent to Maryland when he was 8 years old . He was self-educated he learned how to read on his own and taught other slaves to read also. Frederick worked and got 6 dollars a week and had to give 3 dollars to his master. this did not make him happy.When Frederick Was 18 when he planned his escape From Baltimore to New York

In New York he married Anna and had 5 children and changed his last name to Douglass. He began to speak freely about slavery and equal right but some did not like his message but he never stopped. His friends in Europe Raised $700 .00 to buy his freedom.And soon Douglass house was a stop to the underground railroad that help slaves escape . The Emancipation Proclamation was also a turning point against slavery. …show more content…

Frederick didn’t know his father and he saw his mom 5 times in his life. As a slave he worked all day and slepton dirt floor in potato sacks to keep warm. Frederick was sent to Maryland when he was 8 years old . He was self-educated he learned how to read on his own and taught other slaves to read also. Frederick worked and got 6 dollars a week and had to give 3 dollars to his master. this did not make him happy.When Frederick Was 18 when he planned his escape From Baltimore to New York

In New York he married Anna and had 5 children and changed his last name to Douglass. He began to speak freely about slavery and equal right but some did not like his message but he never stopped. His friends in Europe Raised $700 .00 to buy his freedom.And soon Douglass house was a stop to the underground railroad that help slaves escape . The Emancipation Proclamation was also a turning point against

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