
Frederick Douglass Learned To Read And Write Summary

Satisfactory Essays

In the article How I Learned to Read and Write Frederick Douglass talks about the struggle of being a slave in the Hugh Auld’s family, for seven years and learning how to read and write. First, Mrs. Auld would teach him the A, B, C. But later Mr. Auld got upset and did not want the slave to have knowledge because he feared if Douglass got smart he would run away. Which caused Mrs. Auld and Douglass to be very upset with how cruel that lifestyle was, making them upset. Even though, Douglass’s master did not want him learning to read and write he manages to find different ways to learn. For example, he would give the poor local boys bread when they hang out and in return, he learned how to write and read. Douglass was tempted to thank the

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