
Frederick Douglass Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Slavery is a horrible condition. In the Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass tells his story of growing up as a slave and then becoming a freeman. Douglass speaks of the horrors of slavery and the beauty of freedom. Douglass uses figures of speech, diction, and repetition to convey his feelings of excitement, insecurity and loneliness on escaping from slavery and arriving in New York in 1838.
Frederick Douglass uses Metaphors and similes to express his feelings of excitement, insecurity and loneliness. Douglass thinks about how he felt when he found himself in a free state. Douglass says he felt like a “unarmed mariner” that was “rescued by a friendly man-of-war from the pursuit of a pirate.” He feels that he has a very small chance of escape. He did not have the tools to succeed like a unarmed mariner in battle. He appreciates his freedom as much as a rescued mariner appreciates his life. Douglass is very excited about his life as a …show more content…

Douglass repeats what he does not has. He says “without home,” “without friends,” and “without money.”Douglass is without several important things. He is unfamiliar with his surroundings and low on money. His repetition of what he does not have shows how lonely he is. When Douglass escapes he is “in midst of thousands,” “midst of thousands,”in the midst of plenty,” “in the midst of houses,” and “in the midst of wild beasts” Douglass is surrounded by several things, but he does not take part with his surroundings. There are so many people around him, but he can not risk confiding in one person. There are abundant resources, but he can not have them. Douglass is extremely isolated. Douglass’s isolation leaves him “wanting bread” and “wanting shelter, and no one to give it.” Douglass is extremely vulnerable and can not provide for himself. He needs someone to give it to him which isHe becomes more

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