
Fredrick Douglas : The Inhumane Institution Of Slavery

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Fredrick Douglas: The Inhumane Institution of Slavery The definition of a slave in Merriam-Webster dictionary is “someone who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work for that person without pay.” Fredrick Douglas would narrate his encounters of slavery by depicting a mental image of what slavery was through his eyes. In his autobiography, Douglas refers to the whippings slaves were treated to, if they did not obey the strict restrictions set by their masters. Douglas accidently observed his Aunt Hester’s whippings in the kitchen one night. Shocked by the whole dilemma, Douglas states “I was so terrified and horror-stricken at the sight, that I hid myself in a closet, and dared not venture out till long after the bloody transaction was over.” Unfortunately for slaves during this time period, they were often tasked with many uncomfortable and difficult decisions due to the dehumanizing nature around them. Tragically, the majority of slaves did not have close relationship with their immediate family. Americans today are privileged with the warmth surroundings of their close ones, unaware of the realities from previous generations. Douglas acknowledges his relationship with his mother by saying “I never saw my mother, to know her as such, more than four or five times in my life; and each of these times was very short in duration, and at night.” Slave owners preferred this method of separation and emotionless toward each other, so much that many slaves did not

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