
Free Appropriate Public Education Essay

Decent Essays

1. Zero Rejects
Every student deserves (and is allowed) to have a free public education. This includes children with disabilities, no matter how severe the disability. This policy state that if a state provides educational services to children without disabilities, the state must provide those same services to children with disabilities. The state is responsible for “locating, identifying, and evaluating all children, from birth to age 21, residing in the state with disabilities or who are suspected of having disabilities” (Six Major Principles 2013). No child is to be denied an education, according to IDEA.
2. Free Appropriate Public Education
IDEA helps to guarantee that “each child with a disability, eligible for special education, will be entitled to free appropriate public education (FAPE)” (Six Main Principles). Free means that each child’s education should be “provided at public expense” and should not be charged to his or her parents (Six Major Principles 2013). Appropriate means that each child should have an education that does not exceed his or her restrictions (this is resolved by following the IEP that is provided by a child with a disability). Public means that the education provided to a student is a public education. …show more content…

This means that “students with disabilities be removed to separate classes or schools only when the nature or severity of their disabilities is such that they cannot receive an appropriate education is a general education classroom” (Six Major Principles 2013). In order to succeed, the educator must be open to providing multiple modifications and aids in the classroom, then after all options have been exhausted, speaking to his or her superior and resolving any issues that may be disrupting the classroom. The goal is to have every child in a mainstream classroom learning the same

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