
Free Book Thief Essays: The Power Of Words

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Words within books can help people escape the real world. Even when someone’s life is great, words can make a person or they can break a person. In the book”The Book Thief”, Liesel read, and talked, and it changed her. To me, books are an escape. They take me away to another place, a place I can relax. My favorite book series is “The Lunar Chronicles” It is like a futuristic version of some of the popular fairy tales, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and Rapunzel. The books have action, and love, and suspense. These are words that powerfully affect my life. My mother and I had a conversation when I was quite stressed and those words affected me by making me feel less stressed. Books are practically life. Words as in people, quite a bit of people have had words affect me. I have had my feelings hurt, and my spirits lifted. People who use words for verbal bullying don’t know how to use words. They apparently weren’t taught how to use them. When people are feeling depressed, or they just need a friend to talk to. …show more content…

That happens to me a great deal. When I try to talk, within my first word I am interrupted. It can be stressful or annoying. Words can affect people in any or every way, and that is how words can affect

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