
Free Enterprise Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

The free enterprise system allows people to start their own businesses and also provides the right to compete for customers. Without the free enterprise system, America wouldn't even be known as the land of the free. Think In the early period of the USA, people wanted to move there because they liked the idea of being able to be free from strict government regulation. Also without free enterprise there wouldn't be much progress in both technology and in economic growth. The lack of a free enterprise system wouldn't exactly be detrimental to the actual infrastructure of a country, however it will be extremely malignant to the overall economic growth in progress. For example if there is the lack of personal businesses and free enterprise then everything would be led by the government. Foremost would be the consideration for political minorities. With purely governmental …show more content…

Her Name is Kathleen Mugnolo, and she is the owner of the business Hawthorne & Poppy, a business that takes a more herbal and natural approach to medicine. Having a family that had a high cancer risk she saw that there were many carcinogenic(cancer causing) agents in every day life. For one any petroleum based ointments contain carcinogens. Using this knowledge she made her signature comfrey salve. This salve can replace triple antibiotic ointment, burn cream, lotion, and even eye makeup remover. People also love her teas and bath salts as well, which are natural healthy alternatives to chemical based soaps and soft drinks. Without free enterprise people might never discover that new thing they love. All in all Free Enterprise is the ability to make choices for one self and to be able to express the want for their opinion to be heard. The shoes you're wearing, your shirt, even the glasses on your face are all results of someone wanting to do something a little different. Without free enterprise we wouldn't have the American way of

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