
Free Narrative Essays: Dane's Life

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New Shoes Dane grew up in Japan until he was 8. Dane and his family moved to Hawaii when for his dad’s new job in the sugarcane industry. Dane grew up with one parent providing for him and his 4 brothers and 2 sisters, so he never got the things he wanted. High school was a time for him to be ridiculed for the things he had, or didn’t have. The navy came to his school to recruit people for the war.

“Hey son you look like a sea man, I may have a job that’ll interest you.” The soldier called.
“Me?” Dane asked
“Yeah kid. Have you ever thought about the navy?”
“No sir, come to think of it i’ve never thought about my career” Dane confessed.
“Well this can be your future if you’re willing to work for it, say how old are ya’ anyway?” asked the soldier.
“Well sheesh kid, you’re gonna graduating this year, and if you …show more content…

“Hey Dane, we finally made it” yelled a voice from behind him, it was KC, Dane’s only friend from High School. Dane was to concentrated on his career in the navy to say anything, he wondered if he was getting into something he might not like. As one of 12 recruits from his school, they all joined a training camp of 50 men and women. They were tested, struggled through every test, and eventually all graduated. Dane and only 2 familiar faces from school were assigned to the USS Bowden. They were to be stationed in the Pacific ocean for months. Dane instantly went to his cabin and laid there for hours until they sailed off. Weeks have passed since they undocked, and the work wasn’t hard, but dealing with the other crew members was. The crew was about 85% white, the rest were anything else. The crew mocked Dane, squinting their eyes, and squatting to shorten their height. Dane had no friends, only people to talk to. To Dane it didn’t matter, they were docking in a couple weeks, and he would be assigned to a new

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