
Free Will Research Paper

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Even thought the idea that everyone has free will is widely accepted and appreciated it is obvious that by the very definition of the word “free” no such thing can exist. The idea that free will exists has been supported by several arguments against the idea that the everything in the world has been previously determined rather than arguments that are actually for the existence of free will. This is a very key point in the argument that free will has never and can never exist. If free will is not actually free then it can not be considered free will. If free will isn’t free will then it has never been free will and can never be free will. If there has never been and will never be free will, then we can not have free will. Thus, we do not have free will. …show more content…

The main argument seems to be that we have free will because we have the choice to do one thing or another thing. This, however, is not freedom. Everyday I am made to think that I have the freedom to choose what I want to eat for lunch. When I arrive at the commons, I have a limited amount of options. At the Panini grill, I can choose between a turkey and cranberry Panini or a caprese Panini. Do I really have the freedom to choose what Panini I want for lunch? No, I don’t. I have a limited number of options meaning I have a limited freedom. If my freedom is limited, it is not free and therefore is not actual freedom.
By definition, the word “free” implies without hindrance. In this sense, the only literal rather than applied sense of the word, freedom can be found nowhere. Humans are only free to do what their bodies and the laws of nature permit them to do. They are only free to speak in words that are available in the language and with sounds that their mouths limit. They are free to think only what the brain will let them. The fact that there are so many constraints on all possibilities just ensures the fact that there is indeed no true

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