
Freedom Is Worth Fighting For Freedom Research Paper

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Is it worth fighting for? A free society is a society where people shall have the right to exercise unlimited freedom in their own lives, freedom to live in whatever manner they choose, freedom to pursue their own goals, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal rights of others to do the same. A peaceful resistance is the practice of achieving goals such as social change through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence. I believe peaceful resistance to laws positively impact a free society. A nonviolent fight is still a fight worth fighting for. Fighting does not always have to incorporate violence. You can still get your point across without using violence. Many great figures in history have took the non-aggression approach and still made an impact, even in today’s society. For example, civil right activist Rosa Parks. December, 1, 1955 Rosa Parks boarded a bus in Montgomery, Alabama on her way home from work. Parks had taken a seat near the middle of the bus, behind the “whites only” section. The bus was full and no seats remained, so the driver ordered four African Americans, including Parks, to clear …show more content…

During the Montgomery Bus Boycott African Americans protested against the policy of racial segregation on the public transit system and avoided riding the bus. This led the public transit system to temporarily go out of business and this was not good for the city of Montgomery. The boycott ended when bus segregation was deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1956. This demonstrates a positive impact on free society because Rosa Parks and the boycott committed an act of civil disobedience and did not have to use force and violence to achieve their goals and stood up for what they believe them. This gave African Americans the right to sit where they pleased on the

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