
Freedom Of Speech

Satisfactory Essays

There are people in the United States that today don't understand what freedom speech actually means and what limitations it has. They believe that Freedom of Speech is saying whatever you want, whenever you want. But if they took the time to actually read the First Amendment they would realize that there is a time and a place where Freedom of Speech should and should not be used.
For instance if you get called into jury duty or you are a civilian interested in justice process, and you are sitting in the audience for a court hearing. During the hearing everyone is supposed to be quite so that the case maybe heard without any interruptions, but someone in the jury or in the audience heard something they didn’t agree with so they start yelling as a result. That person has now interrupted the hearing and will …show more content…

With that using profanity can be very offensive to some people because of either religious or personal reasons. Things we say can trigger past event or feeling on a subject they rather forget. While in the airport people should refrain from cursing or using foul phrases due to the fact parents and their kids are in the facility. Kids notice and pick up things more than people think so if someone were to curse around them they might pick it up. Another thing that should be avoid being talked about at the airport is race or race themed jokes. People these days get very offended when anybody of another color pokes fun at their race. While you might just be talking to a friend or on the phone that doesn’t mean no one else can hear you and is not insulted. We all know of some people in this world that think that there is nothing wrong with the way they express themselves in public however they still need to remember that, in a airport there are a lot of people coming from all different backgrounds and things you say will be heard and interpreted in ways you did not intend, so we all need to watch what we

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