
Freedom or Liberty

Good Essays

Freedom and Liberty

Every day the federal government as well as state and local government pass laws to make us a safer society. As they make society safer they are slowly chewing away at our rights, liberties, and personal freedom. Where is the balance? A serf toiling away in a field had very little liberty. He couldn’t vote and didn’t have any true freedom of speech or assembly. But he did have freedom to think his own thoughts, and he was given by his creator the right to moral agency. Within his confined world, he had the freedom to make choices, either good or bad. We now have laws regulating everything. We are forced to wear seatbelts, to wear motorcycle helmets. Smokers can’t even smoke outside. Kids are …show more content…

(Thomas Jefferson)
It is the hopeful goal of liberty that citizens govern their government rather than the reverse. We “The People” are charged with the protection of our liberties, and we should guard against tyrannical figures imposing intended wills upon that of our own. To regenerate the process in today’s America, we must demand regulation of soft money in politics. Personal or corporate interests cannot dominate the political landscape. If we truly believe that every voice has value, then we cannot continue to give merit to special interests. As stated before, our legislature must be made of the people and for the people. If we divert and move with speed to this end, then we truly we will have government of the people and for the people.
But……if it wasn’t for central government…..there would be no civil rights legislation, there would be no title 9. We are now in the twenty first century, and the world has changed since 1776. And there are prices to pay if the government is going to

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