
Freegans Wasteful

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Everyday we are extremely wasteful with our resources and freeganism is a movement to fight that. “For those new to the term (free + vegan), a freegan is a person who has decided to boycott capitalist society by severely curtailing consumption of resources through reusing, recycling and Dumpster diving” (Kelley). Freegans simultaneously fight the system while also minimize waste, by utilizing the items that would otherwise serve no purpose. “Freegans want to put an end to waste and to the damage it does. They point out that in one out of every seven households in America, people don't have enough to eat. Yet half of the food produced in the U.S. gets thrown out. “(Behrens). A lot of individuals constantly are wasteful because they are unaware and have not had to experience going without. Many of us are wasteful, simply because we haven’t been taught any …show more content…

While this amount of throwaway is horrifying, I think that the ideals that freegans embody is a bit too extreme. I agree that it is important to become mindful of our choices and actions as we are wasting excessive amounts of food among other things that many are forced to go without. I agree with their ideals, but I think their message would be better conveyed and more effective if they informed consumers, instead of boycotting consumerism all together since it is such a prominent problem. Dumpster-diving does have its benefits, but the dangers that come with it ay prove to be too much. Josh Corlew pays zero for groceries and his furniture didn’t cost him anything either (Conlin) He instead goes shopping in the garbage. Alexi Ahrens was able to turn

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