
Freelance Paralegal Disadvantages

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Section One A contingency basis is determined by what the result was from the case. This is only paid if the case is settled, and the fee is for a certain amount or a percentage of what was rewarded (Statsky, pg. 605). A flat fee basis is a set amount, and it does not matter how long it took to complete something (Statsky, pg. 604). An hourly basis is determined by the amount of hours a person has worked (Statsky, pg. 603). Section Two The advantages of working as a freelance paralegal are they earn more money by being independent than working for someone, determine their own hours to work, and they get to choose where they get to work. However, there are disadvantages of working as a freelance paralegal. The disadvantages are they have to …show more content…

The paralegal that works for the attorney general of a state can only handle certain tasks and give little assistance when needed (Statsky, pg. 159 & 294). Public defender’s office deals with criminal cases. A paralegal would be responsible in finding earlier briefs that dealt with a case like the one that is presently being handled (Statsky, pg. 41 & 484). Legal aid office deals with civil cases that are noncriminal. The paralegal will help gather data to help with the case and be at the hearings with the client (Statsky, pg. 39-40). County prosecutor’s office deals with criminal cases. The paralegal will log in cases, look over cases, interview people, keep up with the case calendar for the office, be the assistant for the general litigation, and prepare documents for cases (Statsky, pg. 41 & 55). Private family law practice deals with civil cases that are noncriminal. A paralegal will help with documents that deal with adoption, divorce, child custody and prenuptial agreements, child support payments, and annulments. Also, paralegals help in gathering information for case hearings (Statsky, pg. 60 & 290). Section …show more content…

The role that the paralegal plays in maintaining accurate billing statements is keeping track of a new file worksheet for each client; as well as, keeping track of their own timesheets. These will help maintain what should be billable tasks to clients and keeping the billing statements accurate (Statsky, pg. 598-599). Section Five The functions of a successful billing system are collecting and documenting the billable hours and fees, making invoices for the different clients, and keep records of the balances that are not paid (PCD, pg. 288). The three advantages that computerized time-tracking has over manual time-tracking are using computer programs can keep track of billable and unbillable hours that attorneys and paralegals work, using a computer program saves time with inputting and saving data on hard drives, and using software that produces invoices to send to clients (PCD, pg. 270&275 & Statsky, pg. 602). Section

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