
Freewill Essay

Decent Essays


Many have wondered whether free will exists or not. Some argue yes, some argue no. For now, I will say no. I will begin my argument with a scenario. Say a man has an enemy that he hates very strongly. One day this guy makes a conscious decision to kill his enemy. He calculates every move he needs to make to kill his enemy and succeeds in doing so. Clearly, this man is guilty of murder. The question is, should blame fall on this man for killing another?
Currently, all societies in the world are built around some moral basis that holds a person responsible for their actions. A determinist, however, would disagree and say that people are not free, and therefore are not at fault for their actions. Human acts are …show more content…

There are certain variables, like baking a cake, which are accounted for such as being late, the rush it gives, or just because the wind feels good.
Whatever the case may be, the act is caused. In the eyes of a determinist, caused acts have only one option. If there is only one option, then there is no freedom. So, the question arises, are all acts caused? To answer this question we must first look at the human brain and mind. Historically, when we talk about human acts we seem to be able to predict why a human acted the way they did. For example, while watching something like Montel, the host attempts to reason why a person's problem occurred. The audience then makes suggestions on how to remedy the situation. If the topic is about relationships, then the show leads to questions about relationships and why they occur. Just about every time a guest asks a question about an abusive boyfriend, the host asks what their family life was like. The overwhelming response is that people who enter into abusive relationships had abusive families. If we relate this back to the human brain and say an abusive family is a variable for an abusive boyfriend, we find that this act can be predicted.
The human mind/brain appears to be broken into two parts. The first we will call instinct. The human instinct consists of all things that are embedded in the human mind for survival, like the need

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