
Friar Lawrence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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I know exactly who murdered the couple Romeo and Juliet.The blame is on a man that goes by Friar Lawrence.He faulty plans,he’s irresponsible and does everything secretly on his attempt to bring the couple together but instead tear them apart.

Many people believe that the fued is responsible for Romeo & Juliet’s death.I can see where there coming from considering that Tybalt and Mercutio were murdered b y their hands, but i disagree with them.I believe that Friar Lawrence is most responsible for the death of the two lovers.Some overlook the fact that he came up with a plan that would cost them their lives.That plan was to fake Juliet’s death,by giving her a sleeping potion so Romeo would be with her.Friar did not prepare well enough to take on the risks and the possible outcomes that would come with this strategy.

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